>>167674Quel pezzo mi provoca sempre un accenno di ricordo che svanisce prima di afferrarlo.
Potrebbero avermi fatto robe terribili con quel pezzo in sottofondo, oppure può essere un codice degli illuminati per risvegliare un comando satanico.
Il testo, profetico, sembra confermarlo.
How very like the future this place might be
It's a tiny world just big enough to support the cubicle of one knowledge worker
I feel a wave of loneliness, head back down
But I'm going too fast
I plunge right on through the office door and into the bottomless indigo below
Suddenly, I can't remember how to stop, turn around
Do I point behind myself? Do I have to turn around before I can point?
I flip into a brain fugue
Rhythm is a dancer, it's a soul's companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices, free your mind and join (((us)))
You can feel it in the air